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Discover cupping or massage with cupping

Discover cupping or massage with cupping

Surely you have been shocked to see the most successful athlete in the entire history of the Olympic Games sporting spectacular bruises in his last competitions. Well, they are the result of their cupping sessions, one of the most fashionable muscle recovery techniques among athletes and celebrities of all kinds. But using suction cups to extract by suction the spirit responsible for making the body sick is nothing new, it is an ancient practice that dates back to more than three centuries before Christ. Thus, there is evidence of the use of cupping for medical purposes in Mesopotamia (3,300 BC), in ancient Egypt (2,200 BC), and even in India (1,500 BC). This practice also spread to Greece, where Hippocrates (400 BC) left indications about its use, as well as to Arab countries and China.


Cupping therapy is also called by the English term cupping, which derives from 'cup' which in English means cup, and consists of applying suction cups - normally made of glass or plastic - on the patient's body, and using them to create an effect. vacuum through which the suction cup adheres to the body and sucks the skin and part of the muscle, opening the pores and stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation.

Supporters of cupping also consider that it is the best method to open the body's meridians, which are the conduits through which energy flows, so this alternative therapy works in a similar way to acupuncture.

Detractors of this technique point out that there is no scientific evidence to support its supposed health benefits, and that the improvements experienced by some patients could be due to the 'placebo effect'. On the contrary, a study published last year in PloS ONE based on a review of 135 studies carried out between 1992 and 2010 concluded that combining cupping with other treatments or drugs managed to improve conditions such as acne, herpes zoster or cervical spondylosis.


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